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ABC, developed in the late 1970s by a team at the Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI) in the Netherlands, aimed to increase productivity by combining structured and functional programming features. This imperative general-purpose language sought to provide a more natural way to express algorithms through an intuitive blend of these elements. Despite its innovative approach and potential benefits, ABC did not achieve widespread acceptance but significantly influenced subsequent languages like Python.

A key feature of ABC was its focus on simplicity and readability in syntax, eliminating the need for special symbols or complex keyword memorization. This design choice made it stand out among other languages of its time, such as Pascal, Lisp, and Smalltalk. Each of these contemporaries had distinct strengths: Pascal was popular in education and system programming; Lisp excelled in artificial intelligence; Smalltalk was notable for its object-oriented design. ABC's unique combination of structured and functional programming aimed to enhance productivity by offering a straightforward approach to coding.

Although ABC never achieved broad adoption or direct market competition with more popular languages, its emphasis on readability without complicated syntax made a lasting impact on the development of future programming languages. The influence is notably evident in Python's design goals that prioritize clarity and simplicity—principles first embodied by ABC. By lowering barriers to entry for new programmers and facilitating code maintenance through clear syntax, ABC contributed valuable ideas that continue to shape modern programming practices.

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