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Active Server Pages

Active Server Pages (ASP) is a server-side scripting environment developed by Microsoft in December 1996 as part of its IIS web server. ASP allows developers to create dynamic websites using scripting languages like VBScript or JScript. It simplifies the development process by combining HTML and code within a single file, eliminating the need for separate CGI scripts that split code and presentation logic. Initially relying on COM components, ASP evolved to support the .NET framework through ASP.NET, which enhances performance with compiled code execution rather than interpreted scripts.

ASP offers unique features that differentiate it from other server-side scripting environments. One of these features is the ability to mix HTML and code seamlessly within a single file, which streamlines creating dynamic content and interactive website features. Additionally, it supports various scripting languages such as VBScript and JScript, providing flexibility for developers to select their preferred language. The transition from ASP to ASP.NET introduced improved performance through compiled code execution while maintaining compatibility with Microsoft's IIS web server and Windows environments—a significant factor making it appealing for those working within the Microsoft ecosystem.

Despite competition from technologies like PHP, JavaServer Pages (JSP), and ColdFusion, ASP maintained its distinct advantages due to its integration with Microsoft products. Competitors like PHP offered cross-platform compatibility; JSP appealed to Java programmers with robust scalability; ColdFusion provided rapid development capabilities integrated with Adobe products. However, ASP stood out because of its deep integration with Windows OS and IIS web server, allowing streamlined development processes within Microsoft's technology stack. The evolution into ASP.NET enhanced this further by offering better performance through compiled execution while allowing developers flexibility in using various scripting languages—making it a strong choice for efficient development aligned closely with Microsoft technologies.

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