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Asm.js is a specialized subset of JavaScript developed by Mozilla as part of the Emscripten project, aimed at optimizing performance for critical tasks such as complex web applications and video games. By restricting JavaScript's dynamic aspects and incorporating static types, Asm.js enables browsers to pre-compile code at load-time, achieving execution speeds close to native levels. This design allows existing codebases written in languages like C++ to run directly on the web without requiring browser plugins.

Asm.js incorporates unique features that distinguish it from standard JavaScript by limiting dynamic behavior and using static typing, allowing pre-compilation of code for high-performance tasks on the web. It serves as an intermediate representation for statically-typed languages compiled through tools like LLVM, enhancing performance in browsers optimized for Asm.js. This leads to near-native execution speeds particularly beneficial for applications such as video games and complex web applications when executed on browsers with relevant optimizations like Mozilla Firefox.

In the realm of high-speed web performance optimization, Asm.js faces competition from WebAssembly (Wasm), which offers a generic binary instruction format supporting various programming languages targeting efficient performance on the web. While Asm.js enhances JavaScript by restricting dynamic features and using static typing primarily for specific tasks, WebAssembly provides a versatile environment optimized for speed across diverse projects. Despite this competition, one significant advantage of Asm.js lies in its close integration with JavaScript, enabling developers to achieve high efficiency and near-native speeds especially crucial for performance-critical applications running directly within web browsers without additional plugins.

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