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Blazor is an open-source web framework developed by Microsoft, which allows developers to create interactive web user interfaces using C# instead of JavaScript. It facilitates building reusable UI components that can run either client-side in the browser through WebAssembly or server-side on an ASP.NET Core application hosted in the cloud. This dual capability offers flexibility in deployment options, enabling developers to leverage their existing skills while taking advantage of modern web technologies.

Blazor's standout features include its use of C# for front-end development and support for both client-side and server-side execution models. It promotes code reusability by allowing the creation of shareable components across different parts of an application. Using WebAssembly for client-side execution ensures fast and efficient applications comparable to native apps, enhancing performance and responsiveness. These features set Blazor apart from other established front-end frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue.js, which rely heavily on JavaScript but benefit from a longer history and broader adoption.

Blazor's primary competitive advantages lie in its seamless integration with the .NET ecosystem and utilization of C#, which streamline development workflows by offering a cohesive environment familiar to developers accustomed to these technologies. This approach encourages quicker adoption among those already invested in Microsoft's technology stack while providing flexibility through its dual-mode execution options tailored to specific project needs regarding performance, scalability, and deployment. Its ability to integrate seamlessly with ASP.NET Core and Azure services further strengthens its position as a comprehensive solution for building modern web applications within the Microsoft ecosystem.

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