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Blissfully is an asset management software tailored for IT and finance teams to manage the lifecycle of SaaS applications within organizations. It encompasses features such as discovering all company-used applications, tracking assets through their lifecycle, managing renewals and licenses, automating workflows for employee onboarding and offboarding with software provisioning, and adjusting access permissions based on role changes. Additionally, it offers robust reporting tools that analyze usage patterns and costs associated with various products and services.

The platform was created by a team of software developers, IT professionals, and finance experts who identified the need for a comprehensive solution to manage SaaS applications within organizations. Blissfully aims to address the growing complexity in this area by providing tools that effectively manage software assets throughout their lifecycle. This includes tasks like tracking application usage, managing licenses/renewals, automating employee onboarding/offboarding processes, and adjusting access permissions based on roles. These functionalities streamline asset management processes, enhance efficiency, improve cost control, provide insightful reporting capabilities for better decision-making regarding software usage and expenses.

Blissfully's competitive edge lies in its integrated approach which includes automatic discovery of all applications used within a company ensuring detailed oversight of assets. Its integrated workflows seamlessly handle employee onboarding/offboarding while maintaining security through role-based access adjustments. The reporting capabilities offer in-depth analysis of usage/cost data aiding informed decisions to optimize resources/expenditures. Competitors like BetterCloud, Torii Zylo Cleanshelf also offer similar solutions but Blissfully distinguishes itself with its unique combination of features providing operational efficiency/security compliance thereby positioning itself as a comprehensive user-friendly solution enhancing collaboration between IT/finance departments.

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