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Carbonite is a cloud-based backup service that continuously and automatically backs up files, photos, documents, and other digital content to remote servers. It was established in 2005 by David Friend and Jeff Flowers with the aim of providing an easy-to-use solution for protecting digital content for individuals and businesses. Carbonite's offerings include data protection solutions such as encryption at rest and in transit, along with disaster recovery options.

The platform’s standout feature is its automatic and continuous backup capability, ensuring files are constantly protected without requiring manual intervention from users. Carbonite also provides strong encryption protocols both during data transfer and while stored on servers to enhance security. Its user-friendly interface and compatibility with various operating systems make it accessible to a broad range of users including individuals, small businesses, and large enterprises. Additionally, it offers tailored solutions for different needs such as rapid disaster recovery options which help organizations quickly recover critical data during emergencies.

Despite competition from services like Backblaze, CrashPlan, and Acronis which offer similar features including automatic backups, encryption, and disaster recovery solutions; Carbonite differentiates itself through its emphasis on user-friendly design, accessibility across multiple operating systems, and focused scalable solutions suitable for all sizes of businesses. The comprehensive range of data protection services alongside a hassle-free experience due to its continuous automatic backup feature gives it a competitive edge by reducing the risk of human error or oversight in protecting critical information.

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