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CFEngine is an open-source configuration management system conceived by Mark Burgess in the mid-1990s to address the growing IT infrastructure needs of Oslo University College. It operates on a client-server model, distributing predefined rules and policies from a central server to managed clients, which helps systems converge towards desired states. By employing a declarative approach, CFEngine allows for efficient large-scale system management while minimizing manual errors and inconsistencies.

The key advantage of CFEngine lies in its use of a declarative language that expresses desired configurations without detailing implementation specifics, providing flexibility and adaptability for various environments. This feature, coupled with its client-server model, streamlines policy distribution and configuration convergence. Treating IT infrastructure as code enhances automation capabilities, reducing manual interventions and ensuring consistent compliance with policies across all managed systems.

Despite facing competition from tools like Puppet, Chef, Ansible, and SaltStack—each offering robust features and strong community support—CFEngine's unique focus on declarative language and treating infrastructure as code sets it apart. These features promote system stability, security, scalability, and efficient management at scale. As organizations seek automated solutions for maintaining desired states across their IT infrastructures while adapting to evolving requirements, CFEngine remains a formidable option due to its distinctive advantages in promoting consistency and reducing errors.

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