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Citus is an extension for Postgres databases that enables horizontal scaling and data distribution across cluster nodes, providing NoSQL-like capabilities while retaining SQL syntax and Postgres features. The use of sharding in Citus enhances performance for analytical workloads and transactional applications by allowing complex queries to run in parallel across shards, ensuring efficient processing. Additionally, the technology offers automated shard rebalancing and failure recovery mechanisms, making it valuable for managing evolving datasets in real-time applications in both cloud environments and on-premises infrastructures without requiring a complete application architecture overhaul.

Founded by Ozgun Erdogan and Sumedh Pathak in 2010 under the name Citus Data, the company initially focused on scaling out Postgres databases. Citus addresses the limitations of traditional single-node databases by providing horizontal scaling through sharding to enhance database performance for large datasets and high-throughput workloads. This design allows parallel execution of complex queries across multiple nodes, leading to faster response times and increased processing efficiency while maintaining familiarity with SQL syntax and robust Postgres features.

Citus competes with distributed database technologies like Apache Cassandra, Amazon Aurora, Google Cloud Spanner, and CockroachDB. Its significant advantage lies in seamlessly extending Postgres databases to support horizontal scaling through sharding while combining scalability benefits of NoSQL with robust SQL features. Users can efficiently handle large analytical workloads and high-throughput applications without extensive manual intervention due to automated shard rebalancing and failure recovery mechanisms. This makes Citus an attractive solution for organizations needing efficient data management in real-time applications without necessitating a complete architectural redesign.

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