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Cleverbridge is an e-commerce platform designed to assist businesses in selling digital goods and services worldwide. It offers various models, including subscription and consumption-based approaches, along with tools for managing payment processing, automating billing, and ensuring compliance. Additionally, Cleverbridge provides marketing features to help businesses boost conversions and customer retention through personalized promotions and sales optimization strategies.

Founded by Craig Vodnik, Martin Trzaskalik, and Christian Blume in 2005, Cleverbridge addresses the needs of businesses looking to efficiently sell digital goods on a global scale. The platform stands out with its diverse array of unique features tailored specifically for businesses in the digital realm. These include flexible revenue generation models like subscription and consumption plans, robust tools for payment processing and billing automation, effective compliance management solutions to meet regulatory requirements globally, as well as sophisticated marketing features aimed at enhancing customer retention through targeted promotions.

Despite facing competition from other platforms such as FastSpring, Digital River, and Avangate that offer similar solutions in the digital goods space—subscription models, payment processing tools among others—Cleverbridge distinguishes itself with a comprehensive suite of capabilities making it a valuable partner for businesses aiming to thrive in e-commerce. The platform's emphasis on providing an all-in-one solution for selling digital products globally combined with its personalized approach towards customer engagement helps it stand out in a competitive market environment.

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