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Cuis Smalltalk

Cuis Smalltalk, created by Juan Vuletich, is a streamlined and adaptable variant of the Smalltalk programming language designed mainly for modern computers with graphical user interfaces such as laptops and tablets. Emphasizing a compact core system, Cuis facilitates open development and incremental modifications while enabling the creation of specialized applications through direct manipulation. It prioritizes simplicity by minimizing dependencies, allowing for easy deployment on various platforms straight from its source code without requiring extensive virtual machine or compiler ecosystems.

In contrast to other Smalltalk dialects like Pharo Smalltalk and Squeak, as well as dynamic languages such as Ruby, Python, and JavaScript, Cuis stands out due to its unique focus on simplicity and rapid change capabilities tailored for graphical user interfaces. This emphasis enables quick modifications and streamlined application development while maintaining minimal dependencies. The design choices in Cuis advocate for straightforward deployment across different platforms directly from source code, benefiting developers looking for lightweight yet flexible programming solutions.

The competitive advantages of Cuis lie in its adaptability and ease of use within modern computing environments equipped with GUIs. Its core system's compactness supports open development principles that allow incremental changes easily administered through direct manipulation. These features collectively enhance user experience and development efficiency while presenting Cuis as an accessible programming solution amid a competitive market of dynamic languages. Its pragmatic approach appeals particularly to developers who value simplicity without unnecessary complexities in software projects tailored for laptops and tablets.

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