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Enterprise Generation Language (EGL) is an open-source, object-oriented programming language developed by IBM, aimed specifically at building enterprise applications. It generates code in multiple target languages such as JavaScript, Java, COBOL, and PHP. This capability allows developers to design and develop applications across various platforms without being burdened by the details of different technologies. EGL abstracts the platform-specific complexities and focuses on allowing developers to define application logic within a high-level business context.

EGL stands out due to its unique ability to facilitate cross-platform development without requiring proficiency in multiple programming languages. By concentrating on a high-level business context for defining application logic, EGL simplifies the development process and promotes maintainable software solutions. Its focus on abstraction helps streamline multi-language development environments, making it easier for developers to create efficient enterprise applications without delving deeply into the intricacies of various technologies and platforms.

Despite facing competition from other established programming languages like Java, C#, Python, and Ruby—alongside robust frameworks such as .NET and Spring—EGL differentiates itself through its multi-language generation capabilities and emphasis on business logic over technical complexities. This approach increases developer productivity by allowing them to concentrate on business needs rather than technical details. EGL's unique selling point lies in its streamlined approach for building maintainable cross-platform enterprise applications efficiently while shielding developers from technological intricacies.

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