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Enterprise JavaBeans

Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) is a server-side component in the Java Platform Enterprise Edition (Java EE) architecture, designed to facilitate the development of reusable business logic for enterprise applications. It streamlines the creation of large-scale, distributed systems by enforcing coding practices and design patterns while managing complex backend processes to alleviate client-side code. EJB offers features like transaction management, persistence with Java Persistence API (JPA), security management, concurrency control, and messaging services. Different types of EJBs include Session Beans, Message-Driven Beans, and Entity Beans, each serving distinct purposes within an enterprise environment.

EJB was developed by Sun Microsystems (later acquired by Oracle Corporation) as part of the Java EE specifications to simplify enterprise application development through a framework for building reusable server-side components that handle various business operations. By implementing EJB, developers benefit from standardized practices and design patterns that aid in creating robust and scalable systems. This technology helps streamline enterprise application development by enforcing best practices and enabling developers to focus on writing reusable business logic without worrying about low-level implementation details.

EJB's unique features make it a robust framework for developing enterprise applications. Transaction management ensures data integrity with ACID properties in database operations; JPA facilitates easy integration with databases for managing entity objects; security management allows defining access controls through annotations or configuration files; concurrency control manages multi-threading within the container environment; and JMS integration supports asynchronous communication via message queues and topics. Competitors like Spring Framework, Hibernate, Apache Struts, JSF, and MicroProfile offer alternative approaches with varying complexity levels but differ mainly in flexibility and specific architectural support compared to EJB's comprehensive solution for building scalable and secure enterprise-grade applications.

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