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Erlang is a programming language designed for creating scalable and fault-tolerant systems, developed by Ericsson in the late 1980s for telecommunications applications. It excels in building real-time, distributed systems with non-stop operation requirements, offering built-in support for concurrency, distribution, and fault tolerance without relying on external frameworks or libraries. Complementing Erlang, the Open Telecom Platform (OTP) provides a collection of libraries that offer commonly-used design patterns and best practices for structuring Erlang programs, aiding in the creation of reusable generic servers across different projects.

Erlang's unique features set it apart from other programming languages targeting similar use cases. Its built-in support for concurrency and distribution enables highly scalable and reliable systems through lightweight processes known as "actors" that communicate via message passing. Additionally, Erlang supports hot code loading which allows developers to update code on running systems without interrupting operations—an essential feature for real-time applications. The OTP libraries further enhance Erlang by streamlining the development process with common design patterns and best practices, resulting in robust and maintainable applications.

Despite facing competition from languages like Elixir (which runs on the same virtual machine), Scala-based Akka toolkit, Go (Golang), Rust, and Julia; Erlang differentiates itself through its comprehensive built-in capabilities. The seamless integration of concurrency management, fault tolerance mechanisms including hot code swapping without downtime ensures non-stop operation critical to industries such as telecommunications. By leveraging OTP libraries' wealth of design patterns and best practices promoting reusability and quality code structure across projects; developers can efficiently build responsive high-availability systems—making Erlang an invaluable tool in fields demanding robust real-time solutions.

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