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Extensible Application Markup Language

XAML, short for "Extensible Application Markup Language," is utilized in .NET applications to design rich user interfaces by separating the UI design from the application's logic. This separation allows for effective collaboration between designers and developers. XAML defines objects and their properties through a markup language resembling XML, while supporting code-behind files handle the logic written in languages like C# or VB.NET.

Microsoft created XAML as part of the .NET framework to streamline building user interfaces with a clear division of tasks between UI design and underlying logic. The markup language enables developers to construct interactive, visually appealing, maintainable, and customizable interfaces efficiently. XAML's declarative nature facilitates defining complex elements and behaviors while supporting data binding, animations, and styles for dynamic UIs.

XAML stands out due to its integration with the .NET ecosystem making it particularly suitable for Windows-based applications. This integration allows seamless collaboration between designers focusing on visual aspects using declarative syntax resembling XML and developers writing application logic in C# or VB.NET via code-behind files. Competitors like HTML/CSS/JavaScript excel in web development whereas JavaFX is preferred for cross-platform capabilities; however, XAML's strength lies in delivering sophisticated UIs within the cohesive .NET framework environment.

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