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Genius Erp

Genius ERP provides custom manufacturers and engineers with a comprehensive enterprise resource planning solution, available in both cloud-based and on-premises formats. The software manages all product lifecycle aspects, including project management, procurement, inventory control, production scheduling, and customer relationship management. Key features include real-time data visibility across the organization for improved decision-making and compliance assistance. It also integrates with multiple CAD systems to ensure a seamless transition from design to manufacturing and offers robust reporting functionalities.

The company was founded by Jean Magny in 1997 in Quebec, Canada. Over time, Genius ERP has evolved to specifically address the needs of custom manufacturers and engineers by streamlining operations throughout various stages of the product lifecycle. The platform is designed to enhance operational efficiency through tailored solutions that effectively manage intricate project processes, optimize procurement activities, control inventory levels efficiently, schedule production accurately, and maintain strong customer relationships.

Genius ERP differentiates itself from competitors like Plex Systems, IQMS, Epicor, and Global Shop Solutions by focusing exclusively on custom manufacturers and engineers. This specialization allows it to offer unique features such as seamless CAD system integration for smoother transitions from design to manufacturing processes. Additionally, its emphasis on real-time data visibility ensures that decision-makers have access to current information for informed choices while supporting compliance requirements. The advanced reporting capabilities further enable businesses to analyze key metrics for better operational efficiency and productivity.

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