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Kustomer is a comprehensive customer service platform enabling businesses to communicate with clients through multiple channels like email, chat, social media, and phone. Utilizing AI for automating responses and repetitive tasks, it enhances support team efficiency. It integrates customer data such as purchase history and interactions to provide context and personalize interactions. The platform offers tools for agents to manage conversations effectively while scaling personalized service through features like automated routing based on skills and past interactions.

Co-founded in 2015 by Brad Birnbaum and Jeremy Suriel, Kustomer reflects their extensive backgrounds in technology and business. Their vision was to revolutionize customer service by creating a platform that enhances communication across various industries. This goal has been realized through their expertise in customer relationship management and technology development, contributing significantly to Kustomer's success as a leading player in the market.

Kustomer stands out due to its robust AI-driven automation capabilities which streamline responses, freeing up agents' time for complex inquiries. Its seamless integration of customer data allows for personalized experiences enhancing customer engagement. Efficient conversation management is achieved through tools like automated routing based on agent skills or past interactions ensuring effective support. These features collectively distinguish Kustomer as an advanced solution for businesses aiming to improve their customer service operations across multiple communication channels amidst competition from platforms like Zendesk, Freshdesk, Salesforce Service Cloud, and Intercom.

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