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Logtalk is a programming language that merges object-oriented and logic programming paradigms. It extends Prolog with features from Smalltalk and C++, including parametric objects, protocols, categories, multiple inheritance, and more. These additions allow for high-level component creation while emphasizing the separation of interface and implementation to promote component reuse. Logtalk can be compiled into Prolog code or other logic engines like SWI-Prolog's compiler to enhance performance.

Created by Paulo Moura in the mid-1990s as an open-source project, Logtalk addresses Prolog's limitations in object-oriented programming by integrating robust features such as event-driven programming, reflection, and encapsulation. Its design focuses on creating scalable solutions through modularity and maintainability. By targeting various logic engines like SWI-Prolog’s compiler, Logtalk offers flexibility and optimal performance for developers working with complex software projects.

In competition with languages like Mercury, Curry, and Oz that also offer logic programming capabilities but have different focuses—such as Mercury’s strong type checking or Curry’s functional logic approach—Logtalk stands out due to its specific integration of object-oriented features within a logic programming framework. The emphasis on parametric objects, protocols, multiple inheritance, event-driven programming alongside clear separation between interface and implementation details makes it uniquely suited for developers needing a versatile tool for high-level component creation across diverse logic-based systems. This distinct combination positions Logtalk as a powerful solution tailored for specialized tasks in object-oriented logic programming.

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