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MoSync is an open-source mobile application development platform that supports C/C++ and JavaScript programming languages, enabling developers to create cross-platform mobile applications. Application logic can be written in C or C++, while the user interface is designed using HTML5 and CSS3. The platform's SDK includes essential tools like compilers, graphic and networking libraries, as well as debugging aids such as profilers and refactoring support. This allows developers to write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms without compromising on performance or access to native device features.

MoSync was developed by the Swedish company MoSync AB, founded in 2004. It was created specifically as an open-source solution aimed at simplifying mobile application development for various platforms by providing a robust toolkit for developers who use C/C++, JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3. MoSync aims to streamline the software development process by promoting code reusability while maintaining high performance standards.

In comparison with competitors like Apache Cordova (PhoneGap), Xamarin, and React Native, MoSync offers unique advantages due to its multi-lingual approach that supports both C/C++ along with web technologies like HTML5 and CSS3. This combination enables a balanced foundation for app development that leverages existing skills while maximizing performance efficiency. Additionally, MoSync's comprehensive SDK offers necessary resources such as compilers, libraries for graphics and networking, plus debugging tools which enhance the overall development experience significantly compared to other platforms primarily focused on web technologies or single languages. As such, MoSync stands out by facilitating high-quality cross-platform applications efficiently for developers aiming to deploy on multiple operating systems without sacrificing native functionality.

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