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NativeScript is an open-source application framework developed by Progress Software for building native mobile apps on iOS and Android using JavaScript or other languages that transpile to JavaScript. It provides a single codebase that allows access to APIs for both platforms, enabling the creation of cross-platform applications with native UI and performance characteristics. By directly manipulating native UI widgets through a virtual DOM mechanism, NativeScript achieves high performance and delivers truly native user experiences across different mobile operating systems.

The framework offers several distinctive features, including support for multiple programming languages that compile to JavaScript, flexibility in development choice, and direct manipulation of native UI components. These capabilities streamline the development process by eliminating the need to maintain separate codebases for different platforms, allowing quicker iterations during development cycles. NativeScript's unique combination of features positions it as a versatile option in the competitive landscape of mobile app development frameworks like React Native, Xamarin, and Flutter.

NativeScript sets itself apart from competitors with its ability to provide access to APIs for both iOS and Android through a single codebase while maintaining high-performance standards via direct manipulation of native UI widgets. Its support for various transpiled languages enhances developer flexibility and efficiency. These advantages make NativeScript suitable for developers seeking to build cross-platform mobile applications with robust native performance characteristics efficiently, providing a powerful toolset tailored towards delivering high-quality user experiences on iOS and Android devices.

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