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Natural, a fourth-generation programming language and development environment created by Software AG in the 1970s, focuses on readability that resembles human languages like English. This design choice makes it easier for non-technical stakeholders to comprehend program flow and logic, thereby enhancing communication and understanding during the development process. The Natural Development Environment (NATDE) includes tools for debugging, performance tuning, version control, and cross-environment testing, which are critical for developing robust enterprise-scale applications. Natural also supports data handling across hierarchical databases like Adabas and SQL-compliant systems.

Natural's emphasis on readability distinguishes it from competitors such as PowerBuilder, Progress OpenEdge, Oracle APEX (Application Express), and Microsoft Power Platform. These platforms offer features targeting rapid application development, ease of use, and database integration but do not emphasize accessibility to non-technical stakeholders as strongly as Natural does. The comprehensive toolset within NATDE facilitates efficient application maintenance and enhances the quality of enterprise-scale developments while offering versatility in managing data across various environments.

Natural's broad user base includes technical programmers as well as non-technical team members like business analysts and project managers due to its readable syntax. This inclusivity fosters better collaboration among diverse team members throughout the software development lifecycle. Enhanced by NATDE’s tools for essential activities such as debugging and performance tuning, Natural remains a preferred platform for complex corporate applications requiring a user-friendly yet powerful development environment.

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