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OpenX is a cloud-based ad server software designed for managing and optimizing online advertising campaigns across multiple websites. The platform supports various ad formats including display, video, and mobile, and offers real-time reporting and analytics to help publishers maximize their revenue through targeted ads based on user behavior and contextual cues. OpenX also facilitates inventory sales through private marketplaces and programmatic direct deals with advertisers, providing a comprehensive solution for the diverse needs of online advertising.

Co-founded by Tim Cadogan and Scott Switzer in 2008, with Cadogan currently serving as CEO, OpenX was developed to streamline the online advertising process for both publishers and advertisers. It distinguishes itself with advanced tools for handling multiple ad formats, real-time analytics capabilities, targeted ad serving features, support for private marketplaces, and a scalable cloud-based infrastructure. These features collectively enable publishers to optimize their campaigns efficiently while maximizing revenue opportunities.

Comparatively, OpenX faces competition from Google Ad Manager, Facebook Audience Network, AppNexus (now part of Xandr), Adobe Advertising Cloud, and PubMatic—each offering similar solutions in the cloud-based ad server space. However, OpenX's focus on maximizing publisher revenue streams through robust tools for managing various ad formats and facilitating direct deals provides it an edge over competitors. By empowering users with comprehensive campaign management capabilities backed by real-time data insights within a flexible cloud environment, OpenX positions itself as an effective choice for publishers looking to enhance their online advertising efforts.

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