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Orwell is a programming language that extends C with object-oriented features like inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism. This allows developers to write object-oriented code while maintaining compatibility with existing C software. The Orwell compiler preprocesses the code before converting it into standard C, which can then be compiled using a regular compiler, enabling the utilization of object-oriented principles without compromising performance or necessitating a complete rewrite in another language.

Distinct from its main competitors such as C++, Objective-C, and D, Orwell focuses on being a superset of the C programming language specifically designed to introduce object-oriented features seamlessly while preserving compatibility with existing C codebases. Whereas these competitors are standalone languages with extensive built-in support for object-oriented programming, they generally entail learning new syntax and paradigms. In contrast, Orwell offers a more gradual transition for C programmers by preprocessing code to convert it into standard C before compilation, ensuring performance and stability alongside the introduction of object-oriented concepts.

A significant advantage of Orwell is its ability to integrate object-oriented features within the familiar environment of the C programming language. By doing so without requiring migration to an entirely different ecosystem or introducing substantial inefficiencies, Orwell becomes particularly valuable for teams managing projects based on existing C codebases. It allows incremental adoption of object-oriented principles while maintaining performance levels and avoiding potential errors associated with rewriting in another language. Therefore, Orwell caters well to developers who prioritize efficiency, stability, and seamless enhancement of their current projects through improved coding practices in an established framework like C.

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