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Panoramic is an object-oriented programming language and development environment, designed by ProVUE Development, for constructing database applications. Its notable features include interface building, task automation, and database connectivity through a user-friendly syntax that closely resembles English. This approach is intended to simplify the process of developing database applications by offering an intuitive and efficient platform.

Panoramic employs an object-oriented programming methodology which enhances the efficiency in the development and maintenance of complex database applications. The language's English-like syntax allows users to interact with databases intuitively, making tasks such as data retrieval and manipulation more accessible. Additionally, its capabilities for automating repetitive processes and streamlining interface design distinguish it from other tools available in the market.

Despite facing competition from platforms like Microsoft Access, FileMaker, and Airtable—which also offer robust features for building database applications—Panoramic sets itself apart through its unique combination of object-oriented programming principles, simplified syntax reminiscent of natural language, and a strong emphasis on user-friendly interface design. These attributes enhance code reusability, maintainability, and expedite the development process while catering to developers who prioritize simplicity coupled with powerful functionalities in their database application projects.

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