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PeopleCode is an object-oriented programming language developed specifically for PeopleSoft Enterprise applications. It supports common programming elements such as conditional statements, loops, typed variables, error management using exception handling, and functions that facilitate data manipulation across local and remote databases. Its versatility allows developers to build component-based websites in the PeopleSoft Application Designer, execute batch processes with Application Engine programs, and automate system maintenance tasks within the ERP system.

Created by PeopleSoft Corporation—founded by Dave Duffield and Ken Morris in 1987—PeopleCode was intended to provide a robust programming language capable of extensive customization within PeopleSoft's suite of enterprise software solutions. The language was designed to seamlessly integrate with PeopleSoft applications, enabling developers to interact with database content, manipulate the user interface, and define complex business processes through structured scripts. This integration ensures that developers can efficiently build customized solutions tailored to specific organizational needs.

PeopleCode distinguishes itself through its deep integration with the PeopleSoft Enterprise application suite and its specialized functionalities tailored for this ecosystem. Its strong typing system enhances code reliability while its comprehensive error handling mechanisms improve maintainability. These features position it uniquely against competitors like Java, Oracle PL/SQL, and Microsoft's C#, which offer alternative development options but lack the same level of specialization within the PeopleSoft framework. Consequently, PeopleCode serves as a powerful tool for developers aiming to enhance productivity and optimize business processes within organizations using PeopleSoft applications.

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