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Sellsy is a cloud-based customer relationship management software tailored for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It integrates sales force automation, marketing functionalities, project management, invoicing, and accounting within a single comprehensive platform. This helps businesses achieve a holistic view of their activities by facilitating efficient data tracking across various departments, ultimately streamlining operations and enhancing productivity.

Founded in 2009 by Frederic Coulais, Ghislain Faribeault, and Armand Thiberge under the French company Sellsy SAS, Sellsy was developed to address the unique operational needs of SMEs. Unlike its competitors like Salesforce and HubSpot that target broader markets with similar tools, Sellsy focuses on providing an all-in-one solution specifically designed for smaller companies. Its suite includes lead capture, pipeline management, contact history tracking as well as integration with eCommerce platforms and payment gateways to manage financial transactions efficiently.

Sellsy distinguishes itself in the crowded CRM market through its comprehensive approach which combines essential business tools into one integrated system. This specialization allows it to offer a streamlined solution that improves efficiency by eliminating the need for multiple disjointed systems. The 360-degree view it provides facilitates better data tracking across departments while enhancing customer relationships through features like lead capture and pipeline management. Thus, Sellsy stands out as an effective tool for SMEs aiming to consolidate their operations and scale their business effectively.

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