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Smarp is a social media software platform tailored for employee advocacy and communication, enabling companies to distribute content such as articles, images, and videos for employees to share on their personal networks like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. It includes features for tracking engagement statistics and measuring the impact of branded messages within broader marketing strategies. The platform also facilitates internal communication with tools such as news feeds, newsletters, and group messaging to keep employees informed about company updates.

Smarp's competitors include platforms like Dynamic Signal, EveryoneSocial, Hootsuite Amplify, and LinkedIn Elevate. These rivals offer similar solutions focused on empowering employees to share brand messages and engage with internal communications through social media. They provide tools for content distribution and engagement metrics tracking but may differ in their emphasis on specific functionalities or user experience aspects compared to Smarp.

What sets Smarp apart is its holistic approach combining external content distribution with robust internal communication tools. This dual functionality supports both the amplification of brand messages via employee networks and the fostering of a connected workforce through features like news feeds and group messaging. Additionally, Smarp's emphasis on tracking engagement statistics allows businesses to optimize marketing strategies using data-driven insights effectively. The platform caters to various business sizes across industries aiming to enhance brand presence while promoting employee engagement aligned with organizational goals.

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