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SQL, or Structured Query Language, is a domain-specific language developed in the early 1970s by IBM for managing data within relational database management systems. Led by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce, SQL was created to provide a standardized method for querying and manipulating databases with an English-like syntax that simplifies data tasks such as fetching records, aggregating data, updating entries, and deleting information. Over time, SQL has evolved to include advanced features like stored procedures, triggers, and transaction handling with ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties.

SQL's capabilities make it a powerful tool for managing data in relational databases due to its user-friendly syntax and ability to perform complex operations efficiently. It allows users to write queries naturally while offering robust mechanisms for ensuring data integrity through its support of stored procedures and transactions. These features have ensured SQL's adaptability over time despite competition from alternatives such as NoSQL databases like MongoDB—which offer flexible schema designs suited for big data applications—and NewSQL databases like CockroachDB that combine scalability with transactional consistency.

The widespread adoption of SQL can be attributed to its reliable features tailored specifically for relational database management systems. It provides standardized syntax resembling English which makes it accessible to various users including beginners and experienced professionals alike—ranging from database administrators and developers to analysts and business intelligence experts. By enabling efficient interaction with complex data structures while maintaining integrity across multiple tables or even different databases through joins and aggregations, SQL continues to be the backbone of many modern database operations thanks largely to its established standards and extensive community support.

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