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UrduScript is a programming language developed by Muhammad Haris, allowing Urdu speakers to write code using the Urdu script instead of Latin characters. This initiative aims to make coding more accessible for those comfortable with Urdu, promoting digital literacy and inclusivity among Urdu-speaking communities. By enabling individuals to engage in programming using their native language, it seeks to enhance diversity in tech fields and empower users globally.

The uniqueness of UrduScript lies in its utilization of the Urdu script for coding, providing an exclusive platform for native speakers who may face challenges with Latin-script languages. This approach not only facilitates accessibility but also promotes digital literacy within these communities, particularly benefiting younger students. The innovative aspect of UrduScript contributes significantly to increasing diversity and inclusivity in the tech industry by offering a non-traditional language script for coding activities.

While there are broader platforms like Scratch or Blockly aiming at beginner-friendly interfaces, UrduScript’s competitive advantage stems from its specialized focus on the linguistic needs of Urdu speakers. It addresses specific cultural and linguistic contexts that other programming languages might overlook. By providing a tailored solution that leverages the comfort of users with their native script, UrduScript stands out as a significant tool for empowering individuals within these demographics to bridge gaps between language preferences and coding proficiency, thus fostering greater engagement in technology fields.

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