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ColdFusion is a commercial rapid web application development platform designed to enable developers to create interactive websites efficiently. It incorporates its scripting language, ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML), which resembles HTML and is straightforward to grasp. The platform seamlessly integrates with databases, streamlining connections without necessitating expertise in intricate SQL statements. Originally created by Allaire and later acquired by Macromedia and eventually Adobe Systems in 2005, ColdFusion has received numerous updates over the years, introducing new standard tags and functions to boost its capabilities.

ColdFusion functions as a web application development platform that enables the rapid creation of interactive websites. It was created to provide developers with a user-friendly tool that integrates its scripting language, CFML, simplifying web development tasks compared to traditional languages. One of its core features is the seamless connection with databases, allowing for efficient data processing without the need for complex SQL statements. The platform's aim is to streamline web development processes and promote the quick deployment of dynamic and feature-rich websites through its robust set of functionalities and tools.

ColdFusion stands out for several unique features that set it apart from other web application development platforms. One distinctive element is its proprietary scripting language, CFML, which bears a resemblance to HTML and is known for its ease of use and rapid development capabilities. Another distinguishing feature is its seamless integration with databases, which simplifies data connectivity and manipulation without requiring extensive knowledge of SQL. Additionally, ColdFusion has been continually updated over the years to introduce new standard tags and functions that enhance its functionality and keep it at the forefront of web development technologies. Its ability to offer a combination of user-friendly script language, database integration, regular updates makes ColdFusion a unique powerful tool for developers seeking efficient web application development solutions.

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