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eHopper, a point of sale software designed for small to mid-sized businesses, offers features like inventory management, customer loyalty programs, employee tracking, and sales analytics. It supports credit card transactions through payment processor integration and includes offline mode functionality for areas with limited internet access. eHopper can run on standard PCs or tablets, providing flexibility and accessibility for various hardware preferences.

Founded by Sylvain Pignet in 2015, who also serves as the CEO overseeing its development and growth, eHopper was created to streamline business operations across multiple industries. The software aims to enhance customer experiences and improve efficiency while facilitating growth through its user-friendly interface. By offering comprehensive tools that help manage transactions and make data-driven decisions, eHopper empowers businesses to reach their full potential.

Facing competition from providers like Square, Lightspeed, ShopKeep, and Vend—with each offering similar solutions—eHopper sets itself apart with unique features such as its offline mode functionality ensuring operational continuity without internet connectivity. This key differentiator enhances resilience in areas with unreliable internet access. Combined with compatibility options for both standard PCs and tablets along with robust features like inventory management and sales analytics integrated with payment processors for credit card transactions—eHopper stands out as a versatile solution tailored for small to mid-sized enterprises looking to streamline their operations efficiently.

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