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Joe-E is a programming language designed with a strong emphasis on creating secure software through encapsulation, confinement, and proof-carrying code for runtime security. It employs annotations for verification and maintains compatibility with the Java platform. Developed as part of the Jif research project at the University of Pennsylvania's Distributed Systems Lab before its relocation to Johns Hopkins University, Joe-E aims to enhance the security features of software applications by embedding robust security measures directly into its design.

In comparison to other languages focused on secure software development, Joe-E distinguishes itself through its specific approach. Competitors like Rust offer memory safety and compile-time guarantees, Ada emphasizes rich support for formal verification in software engineering practices, and SPARK specializes in high-assurance software through formal proof tools. Joe-E's unique focus on encapsulation, confinement, proof-carrying code, and verification annotations provides an alternative framework where developers can prioritize runtime security within a familiar Java ecosystem.

Joe-E's competitive advantage lies in its specialized focus areas that aim to reduce vulnerabilities in software applications while leveraging Java compatibility. The use of verification annotations further boosts code security assurance. This makes Joe-E particularly attractive to developers who prioritize security by design and seek a language that minimizes vulnerabilities from the outset. Its tailored features cater well to individuals or organizations aiming to strengthen their application's security profile using a language that integrates seamlessly with existing Java expertise.

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