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Mondrian is an open-source OLAP engine written in Java, developed by Julian Hyde to facilitate analytical processing tasks on typical SQL databases and data warehouse systems. Named after the artist Piet Mondrian, it offers a comprehensive suite of tools and libraries for creating and operating OLAP applications. The engine's design aims to streamline complex data analysis, support multidimensional queries, and enhance data visualization capabilities efficiently, aiding developers and analysts in building robust OLAP applications.

Mondrian stands out with its unique features such as compatibility with standard SQL databases, efficient data visualization capabilities, seamless integration with diverse data sources, and a user-friendly environment for constructing advanced OLAP applications. These attributes make it distinct from competitors like Microsoft SSAS, Oracle OLAP, IBM Cognos TM1, Apache Kylin, and Apache Druid. Its open-source nature allows customization and community-driven support that proprietary solutions typically lack. This fosters innovation while providing cost-effective deployment options.

Its main competitive advantages lie in its extensibility, flexibility for developers through an open-source platform free from licensing fees barriers. Mondrian supports standard SQL databases robustly with features for multidimensional querying and analytics suitable for various users including software developers, data analysts, business intelligence professionals seeking efficient OLAP solutions. The strong developer community backing enhances its adaptability making it a preferred choice among organizations aiming to improve their analytical processing workflows comprehensively.

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