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Numbate is a software platform for ad serving, allowing users to set up, manage, and track online advertising campaigns across various digital platforms. The platform enables precise audience targeting using factors such as location, browsing habits, and demographic data. It maximizes the value of ad inventory through real-time bidding auctions and programmatic buying options while offering robust analytics tools to track key metrics like impressions, clicks, and conversion rates.

The specific creators of Numbate are not mentioned in the provided summary; however, platforms like these are typically developed by teams of software engineers, designers, and business professionals specializing in digital advertising and technology. More detailed information about the creators might be available on Numbate’s website or other company resources. As a comprehensive solution for managing online ad campaigns effectively, Numbate aims to streamline digital advertising processes through its feature-rich design.

Numbate stands out in the competitive market of ad serving platforms due to its advanced audience targeting capabilities based on intricate data factors. Its real-time bidding auctions and programmatic buying options give publishers control over maximizing their ad inventory value. Additionally, its powerful analytics tools provide users with valuable insights into campaign performance for optimization purposes. Competing with established platforms like Google Ad Manager and AdButler among others, Numbate offers unique features that cater to advertisers looking for precise targeting solutions as well as publishers aiming to enhance their revenue through sophisticated ad management strategies.

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