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OrangeHRM is a human resource management software designed for small and medium-sized businesses, providing tools to manage the employee life cycle from recruitment to retirement. The software includes modules for recruitment, employee information storage, leave tracking, performance evaluation, and HR policy documentation. It features self-service portals for employees to access personal information and request time off while supporting multi-currency transactions and multi-language functionality, catering to internationalization needs.

Founded by Sujee Saparamadu in 2005 as an open-source platform, OrangeHRM has evolved into a comprehensive solution that streamlines HR processes and enhances employee management. Its development aimed at offering efficient HR solutions specifically for small and medium-sized enterprises. Over the years, it has incorporated various features to facilitate tasks like recruitment, leave tracking, performance evaluation, and empowering employees through self-service portals.

Facing competition from providers like BambooHR, Zoho People, and Sage HR—which also offer robust HR functionalities—OrangeHRM distinguishes itself with unique features such as multi-currency transaction capabilities and multi-language support. These attributes make it particularly advantageous for businesses with international operations. Additionally, its focus on covering the entire employee life cycle with comprehensive modules—from recruitment to retirement—and its cost-effective pricing make it a strong contender in the market for small and medium-sized businesses seeking versatile HR management solutions.

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