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Prodel is a programming language tailored for business applications on Bull DPS7 mainframe computers, aimed at simplifying the development and maintenance of large financial and administrative systems. It allows programmers to operate at a higher level of abstraction, supported by automated tools like report generators, screen painters, and debugging aids. This suite of features facilitates record level I/O, batch processing, and interactive transactions in both online and offline settings. However, due to its niche usage during the late 70s and early 80s combined with rapid technological progression, Prodel has largely faded into obscurity in mainstream programming.

Developed by programmers working on business applications for Bull DPS7 mainframe computers in the late 1970s and early 1980s, Prodel was created to ease the programming challenges associated with large-scale financial systems. Its high-level data abstraction enabled developers to handle complex tasks more efficiently while significantly reducing development time through automation tools such as report generators. The language's ability to handle batch processing and interactive transactions made it versatile for varied computing environments. These capabilities were particularly valuable during its time but became less relevant as newer technologies emerged.

During its heyday, Prodel distinguished itself from other contemporary languages like Cobol (known for readability) and PL/I (which offered comprehensive data processing features) by providing specialized automated tools that streamlined program creation processes significantly. Its support for essential functionalities such as record level I/O further set it apart from competitors like Fortran and Basic that only catered to certain aspects of business application needs. Despite facing competition from these established languages, Prodel's unique combination of data abstraction techniques and robust automation tools provided significant advantages for developers working on Bull DPS7 mainframes' financial applications throughout its period of active use in the late 1970s to early 1980s.

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