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Ruby On Rails

Ruby on Rails is a web application framework using the Ruby programming language, designed to streamline development through automated tools and a preference for convention over configuration. This approach allows developers to start projects more quickly compared to many other frameworks. Ruby on Rails embraces the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, which divides programming logic into three parts, thereby enhancing codebase maintenance and scalability. Equipped with numerous libraries, it facilitates the rapid creation of database-driven web projects and includes built-in features for managing tasks like sessions, cookies, form validation, and AJAX integration.

David Heinemeier Hansson created Ruby on Rails in 2004 during his work on Basecamp, a project management tool. The goal was to accelerate web application development and foster an efficient workflow by automating common tasks and promoting best practices. Released as an open-source project, Ruby on Rails gained widespread adoption within the development community. By reducing configuration requirements and providing tools for routine tasks, it enables developers to focus more on application logic than setup details.

Ruby on Rails competes with frameworks such as Django for Python, Laravel for PHP, and Express.js for Node.js. Each offers unique strengths tailored to specific programming languages or project needs but shares a common aim of facilitating efficient web development. Despite competition, Ruby on Rails continues to stand out due to its convention over configuration philosophy that reduces boilerplate coding while speeding up project initiation and enhancing maintainability through MVC architecture. Its rich ecosystem of gems and plugins alongside strong community support contributes significantly to its popularity among developers aiming for productivity in building dynamic web applications efficiently.

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