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Straker Translations

Straker Translations is a cloud-based translation software that integrates artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms with human expertise from a vast network of translators to offer comprehensive language services. The platform automates tasks such as language detection, text alignment, and terminology management while emphasizing continuous post-editing through a secure customer portal for real-time feedback. Machine learning is used to enhance translation quality by learning from human-edited segments and analyzing previous translations of similar texts, ensuring both efficiency and accuracy in its outputs.

Founded by Grant Straker, the CEO, the company was established with the goal of merging AI efficiencies and human translator skills to deliver premium language services. Under his leadership, Straker Translations has prioritized automation along with human collaboration in its processes. This combination aims to provide robust translation solutions that meet diverse client needs while continuously improving service quality through technological advancements.

Straker Translations differentiates itself in the competitive cloud-based translation market by leveraging its unique blend of AI-driven automation and extensive human input from over 10,000 professional translators. Key features include automated language detection, efficient terminology management, and a secure customer portal for ongoing post-editing and feedback. Competitors like Smartling, SDL Trados, Memsource, and Lilt also offer AI-driven solutions but differ in functionalities and target markets. Straker's integration of machine learning further enhances output quality by adapting based on past edits and translations. This blend of innovation ensures high-quality translations tailored to various industries' specific requirements.

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