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ThoughtSpot is a business intelligence and big data analytics platform that leverages search and AI-driven analytics to derive insights from company data. It provides a user-friendly interface where users can ask questions in natural language, akin to how one uses a web search engine, allowing for easy access to data-driven decisions and solutions. The platform's in-memory calculation engine swiftly processes sizable data sets, presenting results with built-in visualization and sharing functionalities.

ThoughtSpot was created by Ajeet Singh, Amit Prakash, Priyendra Deshwal, Shashank Gupta, and Vijay Ganesan. The founders aimed to revolutionize the way organizations interact with and derive insights from their data by developing a platform that prioritizes simplicity, speed, and user-friendliness in data analytics and business intelligence processes. ThoughtSpot offers distinct features such as a search-driven interface that enables users to ask questions in natural language, an AI-driven analytics engine for generating insights from data, and an in-memory calculation engine that swiftly processes large datasets. Additionally, the platform provides built-in visualization and sharing capabilities.

Some of the main competitors of ThoughtSpot include Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, QlikView, MicroStrategy, and IBM Cognos. These competitors offer similar tools but differ in unique strengths catering to various business needs within the field of data analytics. ThoughtSpot distinguishes itself through its innovative search-driven interface allowing queries in natural language which enhances accessibility across different departments regardless of technical expertise. Its AI-driven analytics engine rapidly processes extensive datasets facilitating real-time decision-making while visualization features enhance collaboration within organizations. This combination positions ThoughtSpot as an efficient solution empowering users at all levels within an organization to make informed decisions effectively.

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