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WebGL is a JavaScript API for rendering interactive 2D and 3D graphics within web browsers, extending HTML5's <canvas> element to offer hardware-accelerated 3D graphics without requiring additional plugins or downloads. Developed by the non-profit Khronos Group, WebGL leverages a computer’s GPU to generate complex graphical content with photorealistic effects like lighting and shading, making it easier for programmers to create immersive web experiences directly in the browser environment.

WebGL offers several features that set it apart in web graphics rendering. It enables high performance by accessing a computer's GPU, allowing developers to create complex 3D visuals and photorealistic effects integrated seamlessly into standard web pages. With support from libraries like Three.js, WebGL simplifies 3D programming for developers who may not have extensive experience with lower-level graphics APIs such as OpenGL ES. This accessibility makes WebGL a versatile tool for creating rich interactive content on the web.

Competitors like WebGPU and WebAssembly provide alternative approaches to high-performance graphics rendering on the web but differ in their execution and target applications. While WebGPU offers a lower-level API suited for fine-tuned performance optimization, and WebAssembly allows running compiled code at near-native speeds, WebGL remains distinctive through its high-level JavaScript API specifically designed for easy integration of hardware-accelerated 3D graphics into standard web pages. This user-friendly approach positions WebGL as an attractive option for developers aiming to enhance their websites with sophisticated graphical content effortlessly.

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