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Pro*C is an embedded SQL programming language developed by Oracle Corporation, allowing users to embed SQL statements within C or C++ code. This integration brings the functionality of SQL databases to C-based applications specifically designed for Oracle relational database systems. Pro*C precompiles source files with embedded SQL commands into standard C code that can be compiled with any ANSI-compliant C compiler, promoting portability across various platforms while leveraging the strengths of both languages in a single program.

Some main competitors to Pro*C include other embedded SQL programming languages such as ECPG for PostgreSQL and SQLJ for Java-based applications. Additionally, ORM frameworks like Hibernate and Entity Framework offer alternatives by providing object-oriented approaches to database interactions. These competitors aim to provide tools and frameworks for seamless integration of database functionality into applications, offering different features, syntax, and levels of abstraction compared to Pro*C.

The primary competitive advantage of Pro*C lies in its seamless integration of SQL statements within C or C++ code tailored specifically for Oracle relational database systems. This direct integration enables developers to leverage the power of SQL databases without costly transitions between languages or environments, optimizing performance and efficiency in database operations. Furthermore, Pro*C's precompilation enhances portability across different platforms, making it a versatile tool for developers working with Oracle databases. These advantages position Pro*C as an effective solution for incorporating SQL database functionality into C-based applications efficiently.

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